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8 Reasons Why People Love On-Demand Food Delivery Apps

8 Reasons Why People Love On-Demand Food Delivery Apps

One of the best evolutions of the modern age could arguably be food delivery apps. Who doesn’t want piping hot delicious takeout delivered right to their doorstep? Millennials love it, and that’s one of the reasons why food delivery has grown into an estimated $200 billion globally. 

These apps are one of the most downloaded on the online marketplace, coming in second only to social media platforms. 

What makes on-demand food delivery apps so attractive to users?

A Success Story – Food Delivery Apps And People

Life today moves at a blinding pace for most of us. And as people, we love the things that can make it a little easier for us. Food delivery apps are just that – they are a dining experience in a box. 

Many of us might not have the time or the patience to get out the door, wrestle with traffic, and commute to a restaurant that is several miles away. The easy option would be to choose one of the many delivery apps that are on your phone. Choose what you want, pay for it, and get it delivered all in a jiffy. 

And this is why nearly 20% of all smartphone owners in the US have a food delivery app installed and use it regularly. 

Another important number – 60% of US consumers order on these delivery apps at least once a week, and 30% order twice. 

You can even use delivery services to send surprises to people who are living in another city. The possibilities are endless when it comes to how useful food delivery apps are to us. 

Benefits Of Food Delivery Apps

There are several advantages that food delivery apps offer the user. We have compiled a list of the ones that we think are important. That’s why people are spending a lot more on apps rather than the experience of dining out. 

Choice Of Eateries

It is one of the most important factors that a delivery app brings to the table. The choice is a hugely important factor when it comes to determining almost anything, and especially food. Using a food delivery app ensures that the person has a wide array of choices from all over the city. 

Another scenario where choice comes into play is during specialized diets. Let’s say that you’re going on a salad diet all day. Ordering online can offer you a variety of salads that make the diet much more enjoyable while saving you the effort. 

Quick Ordering And Delivery

Dining out can be a time-consuming task. Getting ready, driving down, and orders can take a long time, sometimes upwards of 3 hours. It is all right for the odd special occasion. But for a majority, dining out every time they want to order something off the menu can be a waste of time. 

Compare that to ordering on any food delivery app – you order, pay, and get it delivered within 30 minutes. For people working from home or don’t have the time to practice their culinary skills, this is a great option. 

Easy To Make Payments

Another great advantage of on-demand food apps is that the payment services have been made more slick and streamlined. There are several options that these apps can use; some even let you pay with cash. These options prevent undue hassles when it comes to paying for the food you ordered. 

Another great thing about online payments – it’s useful during emergencies like the viral outbreaks we have today. There is a minimal exchange of material goods, which means fewer chances of spreading the infection. 

Accurate And Real-Time Tracking

When we opt for delivery of food, most restaurants offer the basic, bare-bones option. You don’t know where your food is, or the time it will get here. Also, the delivery agent calls in at least ten times before they get the address right. 

All these problems become a non-issue when using a food delivery app. It has accurate GPS tracking that indicates the start as well as the destination of the order. It also gives users real-time updates about the location as well as the route taken by the agent. It is, hands down, a much better way to deliver food to customers.

Offers For Customers

Something attractive to the customer base is that food delivery apps can offer discounts to their customers. They can do this because they have a unique relationship with the restaurants they serve. 

Since food delivery apps increase business for the restaurants, they can offer promotions for their customers. App delivery services have considerable reach compared to traditional methods. They can get the word out about promotions a lot quicker than restaurants. 


Using an app-based delivery service works great for the buyer and the seller. Users can get food from their restaurants of choice without the cost of the commute. It becomes even more cost-effective when you factor in regular promotions offered by the food delivery apps.

For restaurants, opting for a third-party aggregator to deliver the food has two benefits. It lets them cut on their overheads and focus on their core function, making great food. People are also a lot happier because of shorter delivery times and better service. It reflects favorably on the restaurants as well. 

Using Push Notifications

Another interesting aspect to note is that any food delivery app requires push notification to function. People are more than happy to grant these apps access as opposed to other types of apps. It is because the user gets attractive offers, new places to try, and other important information.
It is great news for restaurants because promotions they can send instant promotions to millions of people. They can also get metrics about how successful their promotions were and improve on it down the line. 

Increased Reach

Before food delivery apps, restaurants were hampered by their ability to serve a limited number of customers. It could either be due to constraints with space on their premises, or inability to deliver outside a specific area. 
But food delivery apps can offer customers a much better delivery experience. 

Food Aggregators helped the restaurants to reach clients who are much farther away. It improves revenue for a restaurant, and customers can enjoy delectable food from their favorite place.

Your Own Customized Food Delivery Solution

Food delivery services are one of the fastest-growing industries at the moment. And this amazing growth is despite the pandemic

Brands like UberEats are registering almost 230% growth annually. 

Grubhub brought in $4 billion in revenue way back in 2017. As more restaurants recognize the value of third party food aggregators, the market will only improve. 

Now is a great time to buy into the food delivery app market. The problem is developing a platform for food sales. Competent food app solutions are expensive and take a long time to fruition. 

A great solution would be to opt for a tried and tested solution to your food delivery app requirements. Dinedoo is a fully-fledged food delivery platform developed with entrepreneurs in mind. It encompasses all the features of more popular apps in the market like ZomatoGrubhub, and UberEats, to name a few. 

Our UberEats Clone works on iOS and Android systems and has an intuitive UI with several customizable features. Buyers can opt for additional functionalities as well as change the look and feel of the app. 

Another advantage you have is that you can get it fully functional inside 48 hours of purchase. It saves you months of development time and costs as well. 

To Summarize

As you can see, there are several reasons why food delivery apps work great with people. The ease and convenience it brings to modern life is nothing short of amazing. 

For a lot of people, pressures of work prevent them from being able to cook their meals. Rather than hiring a cook or a chef, getting your orders delivered seems a much more cost-effective. 

Third-party food aggregators are propelling the restaurant business to better times as well. Eateries that have opted for a food delivery app have experienced improvements to their revenue stream. 

Another significant attribute of delivery apps is that they can scale well into other products. Consider a situation like the current pandemic as an example. 

Most delivery brands are now not just delivering food, but also groceries, medicines, and other supplies. Food delivery solutions can benefit the whole community they serve.

Food delivery apps are an evolution of the food industry that will improve the quality of life for people for a long time ahead!

Get in touch with us to launch your food delivery app like UberEats in two days.

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