For 500 years, people have heard about a possible treasure buried in Kanab. A Guide to Treasure in Colorado. This story was further supported when a flat stone bearing the inscription D. I will explain our story in great detail. Ute Pass, Colorado, 1893 Our format is to follow experts on an expedition, and we now are looking for experienced treasure hunters to lead a questwhich we can help arrangearound mid-June. We are doing a program about Butch Cassidy and the search for his buried treasure. From abandoned mines to lost Aztec gold and Spanish treasures, Utah has its fair share of legends. By finding Butch Cassidys name a few miles away from our destination, we now felt like we had evidence that the chimney ruins we had found, were in fact, the famous Robbers Roost. Categories & Site Details: Gold, Gold & Doubloons, Mysteries, Outlaw Loot. Lost Silver Coins in the Ghost Town of Standardville, 8 Lost Treasures of Texas (Pirate Treasure & More), 4 Really Good Ways to Hide Gold From Metal Detectors. As far as is known George Donners treasure chest of gold coins has never been found and could still be buried in the salt flats of Utah in what is called the Great Salt Lake Desert. Expand. The train sequence was filmed on Utah's Heber Valley Historic Railroad, using 2-8-0 "Consolidation"-type steam locomotive #618. The film then shifts to Circleville, Utah, in 1951, where Butch Cassidy's 16-year-old great-nephew, Roy Parker, defends his infamous ancestor's reputation despite the opposition of Sam, his stern grandfather, Cassidy's younger brother. It has some good information and stories that I think you will really like. Supposedly, $30,000 in silver coins remains buried somewhere in the canyon. Those coins have never been recovered and could still be there waiting for someone to dig them up. Sam Dickson is one of the authors writing for The Vintage News, Join 1000s of subscribers and receive the best Vintage News in your mailbox for FREE. Harry Alonzo Longabaugh or better known as the Sundance Kid was Cassidys main partner in crime during their latter days of robbery. The producers and the TIA team reached out to many people in Utah and surrounding states to gain knowledge from others. I knew those items came out of my shop, yet here he was claiming that he found them in the High Uintas.. In 2017, Treasures in America was contacted by a producer out of New York City about the story of Butch Cassidy and the Castle Gate Robbery. Standing are: Will Carver and Harvey Logan, (Kid Curry). Then they made their way to the express car where the valuables were stored and blew open the safe they got away with $40,000 in paper currency and some say $80,000 in gold and silver coins. Located just a couple hours north of Colombias capitol city of Bogot, Lake Guatavita isbelieved to bethe site of the El Dorado legend, with actual gold being recovered from the lake since the Spanish arrival in 1536. [1] The engine's original owner was the Union Pacific Railroad whose trains were sometimes the target of Cassidy's larcenous ways in the 1890s. In fact, there is no conclusive evidence linking Cassidy and Sundance to the robbery and shootout. Some believe it to be so. A modern gang of outlaws wants to grab the loot, too, and soon the intrepid heroes are fleeing for . New York Daily News. As the story goes the little girl took her fathers cigar box of silver dollars out to play with her one day. Costume designer Anna K. Findley used authentic, 1951-period Boy Scout uniforms in the costuming of Roy Parker (Ryan Kelly), including such details as the 16-year-old hero character's Life Scout badge. Thanks to the Academy Award-winning 1969 film Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, starring Paul Newman and Robert Redford, the real-life Sundance Kid, Harry Alonzo Longabaugh, is often thought of as Cassidys best friend. But before he died he left a crude map that showed the whereabouts of his hidden treasure. The eldest of 13 children, Butch Cassidy was born Robert LeRoy Parker on April 13, 1866, in Beaver, Utah. Many emails, phone conversations, and team meetings were held, along with consistent studying and researching the history of this story over a period of about four months. Some Utah treasure legends are so popular that they even have their own TV show. The Plummer gang sure got around in the early half of the 1860s! ), American outlaw and foremost member of the Wild Bunch, a collection of bank and train robbers who ranged through the western United States in the 1880s and '90s. The famous Butch Cassidy of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid is said to have done numerous robberies in Utah, Wyoming, Montana, and Colorado in the late 1800s to early 1900s. Crystal was doing and others joined him in search of the lost treasure. Our program explores archeological mysteries around the world, teaching real history in the context of an entertaining expedition to exciting places. (Daniel Buck and Anne Meadows) He . (Of course, Butch Cassidy's footprints can be found all over the west, and really intrepid travelers might consider adding a couple of days to head east toward Vernal and Dinosaur National Monument and get directions to Browns Park, a remote and hidden on the Green River where none other than Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid used to hideout. Its a pretty far-fetched lost treasure tale but its still an interesting one and makes you wonder if its really hidden in that underwater cave on Three Lakes Ranch in Southern Utah! Child believed the treasure is located in a water trap 36 feet below the pond on his property. Before you grab your metal detector and get too excited about amassing hordes of wealth, you should probably know that the only thing you'll gain is bragging rights if you find the treasure mentioned above. So draining the pond was out of the question. They believed one day they could return and retrieve their treasure including a solid gold three-foot crucifix with a symbol of Jesus on it. This is about the Castle Gate Robbery. Theres no wonder that Montana has many lost treasure tales to tell. However, Thompson also bought gold nuggets and gold bars from Campbell, which Campbell says later showed up in the follow-up book, published by Ken Sanders Dream Garden Press. The loot was never recovered. While they've halted work on the mine itself, the company is still active and sells stock in the Dream Mine. During his reign, the Aztec people in Mexico witnessed the arrival of the Spanish Conquistadors led by Hernan Cortes in 1519. 2023 A&E Television Networks, LLC. Oh wait that was Redford & Newman film the movie. Fort Missoula is located about 3 miles south of Missoula, Montana off of State Highway 93. All Rights Reserved. For a time, the gang eluded capture but were finally conquered by an army scout from Fort Garland who rode back to the fort with their heads in a sack. When he came back to retrieve his gold he couldnt find where he had buried it. That day never came because 42 of the 87 people of the Donner party including George Donner died on their journey west. The idea that some of their loot could still be stashed in Colorado is extremely intriguing. Cassidy fled to South America in 1901, where he is believed to have died in 1908. The film starts with a prologue scene set in Bolivia in 1908. Harry Alonzo Longabaugh or better known as the Sundance Kid was Cassidy's main partner in crime during their latter days of robbery. He discovers the belt buckle left by Cassidy and learns that it is a map to the treasure buried by Cassidy somewhere in the Utah wilderness. One particular story states that a Chinese miner buried what was called a five-pound baking powder tin presumably five pounds of gold close to his gold mine on China Grade. The two robbers took off on horseback to Robber's Roost, cutting telegraph lines along the way so that no one could spread the news of the robbery. A 50's time period film that follows the stories and legends of Buth Cassidy and Sundance Kids as told to their descendants. Hello fellow treasure hunting friends! When the train rolled into town one of the outlaws made his way to the train while the other was waiting near the stairway of the Coal Companies office building. How much is Butch Cassidy's treasure worth? He was the ring leader of the Wild Bunch outlaw gang that robbed trains and banks during the Wild West days. Hi Everyone. The only men that were left were the Padre and two Spanish soldiers. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Eventually, they self-published their work. Soon after he hid his treasure he was shot and killed. That means there could be more of a chance for a discovery to be made in that area. By some point in 1902, Cassidy was in South America and he and Longabaugh, using assumed names, had purchased land in Argentinas Cholila, where they ran a ranching operation. Filming day was finally here. Over the next few years, he spent time in the mining boom town of Telluride, Colorado, followed by Wyoming and Montana. Before Gary leaves in search of Butch Cassidy's treasure, the team discusses other outlaws and lost gold of the wild west. Regrettably, we didnt find the loot this time, but we did find many clues that helped confirm that we were in the right area and that the treasures, if still there, could be reached. I have been to the area twice. Crystal finally gave up the search. This story is about a little girl who got ahold of one of her fathers cigar boxes. This gold has never been found although many have searched for it over the years. We knew that there was a Butch Cassidy inscription that had been written on a rock in an overhang along a dry creek. The whole team was able to make it to this event, (who would miss out on an opportunity to film for the Travel Channel with Chris Jericho?) Legend has it that buried somewhere around Robbers Roost or possibly north springs canyon is the loot from the Castle Gate robbery and possibly other robberies that the Wild Bunch committed. Finding these caves sparked interest in what Mr. We arrived at Goblin Valley very late on Friday night. Because of the trouble they had brought onto themselves, the group spread out months later and were found separated all over the Western states. Costilla County The treasure of the paymaster of Fort Garland was stashed on Trinchera Creek. Silver was present, but it was tossed to the side by the Wild Bunch due to the value being much less than gold and it was heavy. Crystal found a few caves that were sealed off. It was a book no publisher would touch because its authors, Gale Rhoades and Kerry Ross Boren, had no references and no substantiation for any of the history they were writing about. Here's what Sen. Mike Lee caught on camera, Storm's second wave heads for Utah, possibly adding 1-3 feet of mountain snow, Bill mandating counties to provide homeless shelters, enforce camping laws passes Utah House, Man arrested in connection with fatal shooting now accused of child rape, Supreme Court seems ready to reject student loan forgiveness, Tank job? Have a pic. By all accounts, the treasure of the Golden Jesus has never been located and is still being searched for to this day. Lee Musgrove was finally caught by Cook in Wyoming Territory and was jailed in Denver. The treasure map couldnt be deciphered and this lost treasure remains hidden somewhere in Johnson Canyon close to Kanab, Utah. "Outlaw Trail: The Treasure of Butch Cassidy", "Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid: The Monpelier, Castle Gate, Wilcox and Winnemucca Robberies", "The Best and Worst Direct-To-Video of 2007", Outlaw Trail: The Treasure of Butch Cassidy,, Cultural depictions of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Brent Weber as "Martin", the arrogant son of the mayor and Roy's nemesis, Shauna Thompson as "Lorraine", Roy's mother, This page was last edited on 30 August 2022, at 21:51. Pursued by a few angry citizens Cassidy and Lay took off south but the outlaws quickly lost the pursuing citizens in the deserts and Canyons of Utah. Here is video below of Butch Cassidy's ranch in the Chubut valley. It would be well worth someones time to check out Hell Gate Ronde and bring along a metal detector that specializes in gold detection like the Garrett AT Gold metal detector. Guide to Treasure in Montana-Wyoming. Three days later the supposed bandits arrived in San Vicente, Bolivia, but after villagers became suspicious that the strangers were connected to the robbery, Bolivian soldiers were called in and a shootout ensued. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. Within a couple of hours, we found a canyon and dry river bed that was similar to the description that was given to us by someone a couple of months ago. In order to leave town, Butch Cassidy had to make it through the crowd of workers that happened to be waiting for the train to arrive with their paychecks. Even when we were on top of the canyon, we couldnt see the old ruins. His mom when a young girl would take care of his horses and feed Butch and his gang Legends of America states that "[t]he outlaw loot was never recovered and many believe it was hidden by the gang somewhere near Robbers Roost located along the Outlaw Trail, in southeastern Utah.". So in the mid-1970s, Gale Rhoades, one of the authors, came into the bookstore with this manuscript he had been working on for 10 years. El Paso County - Near Monument, between Colorado Springs and Denver, the Butch Cassidy Gang is said to have stashed $100,000 from their bank robberies. Published: November 8, 2014. On April 21, 1897, the famous outlaw bank robber, Butch Cassidy, left the now-famous hideout of the Wild Bunch called Robbers Roost. where was the second one 120 miles away at? According to local legend, the land is "cursed" and full of treasure. He and his fellow bandits developed a pattern for committing these crimes that involved doing reconnaissance on the place they planned to rob, as well as stashing supplies and extra horses along their intended getaway route. Years later his family found his will stating that he had buried the gold coins under his cabin. While many have searched for this treasure in Bloomington Cave it has yet to be found. Again, I watched many treasure tv shows with legends involved and all have proved nothing. ! The Legend of with Chris Jericho Season 1 Episode 1,, Teknetics Metal Detectors and Accessories. But in 2013, Summit County resident Gary Holt claimed to have discovered it. The mine was established by Spanish Jesuit priests in 1650 but abandoned in 1680, never to be found again. By the end of 1904, concerned that the Pinkertons had discovered their location, the American outlaws sold their livestock and left the property, later finding work at the Concordia Tin Mines in Bolivia. These pipes were used to bring fresh air into the mines and allow for harmful gases to escape. Sam resents Roy's interest in Cassidy, even acquiescing in the boy's brief jailing on a trumped-up charge, where he scolds him, "I spent the better part of my life trying to live down the reputation that your hero has laid out for the Parker name and you grow up worshipping him. Its here that their troubles began knowing that they had a rough road ahead of them George Donner and James Reed the leaders of the wagon train at this point decided to start leaving some of their possessions behind. El Paso County An outlaw gang called the Bloody Espinosas terrorized the San Luis Valley in 1863. Food & Drink 411 Utah Foodie Scene and Events, When Sanders owned his iconic shop, Cosmic Aeroplane, in Salt Lake City, shoppers would come in seeking to buy. #6. Anyone see the episode that was recently on TV? Would love your thoughts, please comment. Cassidy fled to South America in 1901, where he is believed to have died in 1908. This was a good place to start, so we did what we always do, got our equipment and set out to see what we could find. HISTORY reviews and updates its content regularly to ensure it is complete and accurate. With their burros loaded down with treasure and many of the soldiers being killed by their pursuers, they couldnt go any further. Browns Hole was located along the Outlaw Trail, which made it an ideal location for hiding rustled cattle and horses. But a trip to Beartown and a look around China Grade would be well worth someones time. Three boy scouts, one a great-nephew of Butch Cassidy, and their pretty girl friend hunt for the lost treasure of the legendary bank robber in 1950s Utah. Many years ago, a ex co worker, gave it to me. This House Has Been Locked Up And Sealed Since 1956. This left the speculation of where was the gold that the gang had stolen? We hopped out of our UTVs, spread out, and started hiking around to see if we could find Butchs name. It did look old to me, which made me even more excited because that was the proof I needed to tell me that we were on the right path. In the new book Last of The Bandit Riders Revisited Again, by Dr. Steve Lacy the final word on the Robbers Roost Gang. Overcoming his unforgiving grandfather's opposition, Roy and friends are involved in several chase scenes, pursued by criminals. Grover and Joseph Fox Lawe, Aug. 8, 1847 was discovered near Clifford many years ago. Man, what a find that was! Although he did find bones from dead burros and some Spanish artifacts he never did find the treasure. Buried Treasures You Can Find. Sanders tells the story: I knew about the book because people bugged me to death about it. On their journey west they decided to veer off the well-traveled Oregon trail onto what was called Hastings Cutoff to save time. Im already on it here in Saguache county! Although the teen was let off, the experience reportedly left him resentful toward the legal system and people in authority. He was born April 13, 1866, in Beaver, Utah. I know how TV shows work and im pretty sure the silver coin was planted. It is said that the gold was hidden in a gulch several miles east of Clifford in Lincoln County. The special car of the Union Pacific Railroad for the mounted rangers organized by UP Special Agent Timothy Keliher to stop the Wild Bunch Gang led by Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, late 1890s. 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